Guest Post for Blog: Embracing the Digital Waves: A Psychodynamic Counsellor’s Reflection on Online Therapy by Rick Cox

Guest Post for Blog: Embracing the Digital Waves: A Psychodynamic Counsellor’s Reflection on Online Therapy by Rick Cox

Guest Post for Blog: Embracing the Digital Waves:

In the ever-evolving landscape of therapy, one thing remains constant – the resilience of the human spirit. Whether in the physical realm or the digital domain, the journey towards  wholeness is marked by courage, vulnerability and a willingness to confront the shadows within.

In the realm of counselling, the digital age has ushered in a wave of change. I’ve embarked on a journey that merges the traditional art of therapy with the convenience and accessibility of online platforms. It’s been a fascinating exploration, one that has not only challenged my preconceptions but also enriched my practice in unexpected ways. 

Working online:

Working online has widened the horizons of my therapeutic landscape. Gone are the limitations of geographical boundaries. Clients from diverse backgrounds now have access to the support they seek. I’ve had the privilege of connecting with individuals from all walks of life. Each session unfolds like a tapestry, woven with threads of unique experiences and perspectives, enriching both my clients’ lives and my own. 

A new found freedom:

One of the most striking aspects of online therapy is its inherent flexibility. No longer bound by the constraints of physical office spaces, sessions can take place anywhere with a stable internet connection. This newfound freedom has empowered clients to engage with therapy on their own terms, fostering a sense of autonomy and agency in their healing journey. Whether it’s a cozy corner of their living room or a quiet retreat amidst nature, to the car or kitchen table! the ability to choose their environment adds an extra layer of comfort and security to the therapeutic process. 


However, the transition to online therapy hasn’t been without its challenges. As a  therapist, I place great emphasis on the nuances of non-verbal communication. The subtle shifts in body language, the tone of voice, the fleeting expressions – these elements contribute to the rich tapestry of human interaction. In the digital realm, these cues are sometimes obscured by pixelated screens and intermittent internet connections. Adapting to this new mode of communication has required a heightened sensitivity to verbal cues and an increased reliance on attunement and empathy.

A sense of connection:

Yet, amidst these challenges, I’ve discovered a profound sense of connection that transcends physical boundaries. The digital screen may serve as a barrier, but it also acts as a conduit, channeling emotions and vulnerabilities across vast distances. In the intimate space of the virtual therapy room, authenticity knows no bounds. Clients have shared their deepest fears, their darkest secrets, and their most profound moments of triumph, trusting in the therapeutic alliance we’ve cultivated. 


Reflecting on my practice, I’ve come to appreciate the symbiotic relationship between technology and therapy. While technology may be the medium through which our sessions unfold, it’s the human connection that remains at the heart of our work. As a therapist, I strive to create a safe and nurturing space where clients can explore the depths of their psyche, uncovering hidden truths and forging pathways to healing.

One thing remains constant:

In the ever-evolving landscape of therapy, one thing remains constant – the resilience of the human spirit. Whether in the physical realm or the digital domain, the journey towards  wholeness is marked by courage, vulnerability and a willingness to confront the shadows within. As I continue to navigate the digital waves of online therapy, I’m reminded of the profound privilege it is to bear witness to the transformative power of human connection, transcending time and space in pursuit of healing and growth.


Rick Cox, Reg. MBACP 

You can find more about me and how I work at – Healing Beyond History

Article originally published for Creative Counsellors, 4th April 2024


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